Truffled Ice Cream

Yeah I know. Amazing right. But you know what… it works. All you need is an ice cream maker machine and…


350ml full cream milk                               300ml cream

10 egg yolks                                              120g caster sugar

50g black truffle



Grate truffle (or thinly slice with a shaver or microplane and chop up).

Combine milk and cream, along with truffle in a bowl, cover and allow to infuse overnight.

Next day, drain truffle and set aside.


Bring cream/milk mixture to the boil.  Remove from heat, add truffle pieces and cover for 15 minutes.

Blend egg yolks and sugar until pale.

Using a sieve, pour the infused milk into egg mixture and stir well.  Set aside truffle pieces.


Reheat mixture to NEAR boiling point.  Mixture consistency should be able to coat the back of a spoon.

Place mixture in a large bowl and stir in grated truffle.  Allow to cool down completely.

Place in your ice cream maker and process according to their directions.


Once made, place ice cream mixture in silicone mini/maxi muffin pans and freeze.

Enjoy with berries or atop a panna cotta.


Truffle Pizza


Truffle, Leek & Mushroom Risotto